
We meet every Wednesday at lunch in Room 35.
Bring your lunch! Meet new friends! Laugh, connect and talk about issues that are important to YOU!
Pride Club is a student run GSA (Gender Sexuality Alliance) that is for young people identifying as part of the LGBTQ community and their straight allies. If you are in a family with two moms or two dads, or if you have anyone you love that is LGBT, this is the club for you too! If you believe in equality for all, come join us! In other words, PRIDE CLUB is for everyone! It's about diversity, equality and fairness. We promote love and community, providing support for those who might feel alone, and friendship for those who are being bullied. At Pride Club, you are not alone, and you are loved. 
Click here to see stories about people who have survived the ups and downs of middle school, and survived. They are here to tell you that...IT GETS BETTER! It Gets Better
Our favorite YouTubers tell their stories...coming out
YouTuber Joey Gracefa sends Millikan Pride Club best wishes!! www.millikanmiddleschool.org/apps/video/watch.jsp?v=125710