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Mission Statement:
My goal as a lifelong teacher is to inspire, encourage, motivate and support students by providing a safe & secure environment to educate them intellectually, emotionally, & socially, so they can continue to develop a foundation for life-long learning. I will be “partners” with parents, other teachers, administrators, & school staff, because I realize education is a team effort. I will make use of various forms of instruction to cater to my students’ diverse learning abilities – methods will be both traditional & new, cooperative & individual, literature-based & technology-centric. I will encourage students to tap into prior knowledge to help gain a well-rounded comprehension of the content. To the best of my abilities, I will work with any student under my care, regardless of their capabilities or disabilities. I will try to turn history & the social sciences into a meaningful endeavor for my students by showing them the connections between the past & the present. With heart & passion, I will care for these children as if they were part of my family.